From The Archangels


Every one of us, as long as we are in our human form, and in our human body, has one or more Angels with us at all times. In many years of working with individuals to help them come into closer contact with their guardian Angels I have experienced that they are present for each and every one of us.

Angel Message

We wish you to know that we work both individually as Angels and in teams with you. Just as you would have a team of doctors at hospital for an operation, a lead surgeon, supporting surgeons, trained and experienced nurses, the entire spectrum of what you would encounter is formulated into teams of Angels with the exact qualities, gifts, emanations, vibrations, and awareness to allow you to accomplish this step of your evolution. The configurations of these teams are in exact relationship to the current composition of your consciousness, and the current composition of your physical body, of your awareness, and of your soul nature. Great care is given unto you in this configuration of the Angels around you. We wish you to know that you may rely upon the divine expertise of this team that is given upon you.

We wish you to be aware that there are two parts to the releasing and letting go that allows you to receive the full measure of Angelic support:

1. The first is choosing, your conscious will to release a place of refusal of the gifts of heaven.

It is calling upon the Angels for help and assistance; invoking the presence of the Angels, expressing the wish for help and assistance, calling upon an Angel, calling upon all Angels to help you. It can be something a simple as, “I ask for the presence of any and all Angels to help and assist me. I ask that all the Angels of light and love come to me and help me in this moment. I know that I am loved, I ask that this love be present and be full and clear for me.”

The asking is vitally important as the first step.

2. The second step is realizing that this team of Angels around you has expertise, ability, knowledge, capability beyond your awareness.

The second part is turning over to the Angels what part is theirs to do with you. This is very much like taking a car into an automotive shop where you trust the mechanics, you trust their ethics, you know that they have a relationship with you, you are good friends, there is a caring and a warmth and a warm regard you share with one another. You have confidence in their abilities, and you know that their abilities exceed your own in these areas. You know that there are teams of people within their facility that can handle the repair and the correction of any issue that your car contains. You know that they have supply and distribution networks to bring any part to your vehicle and that their reach extends to the necessary places to provide everything to properly service your car. There is a point where you turn over the keys, where you sign the repair order, and allow them to take over.

We wish you to be aware that this is the same process for healing your physical body, for healing your heart, for healing your emotions, for healing your mental aspects, for healing the thought forms within your mind. It is the same process for healing anything which interferes with the pure and true expression of your soul. It is the same process for healing anything that hinders the expression of your gifts. It is the same process for healing anything interfering with the full expression of your soul in form.

The level of giving over unto the Angels reflects the exact level of support and help that they may offer you in return. It is at the same level where they may engage you in repairing any part of you in need of tender, loving care. This is true for any physical disorder that you carry, it is true for any heartache or heart pain, and it is also true for any residual pain you carry from any physical, emotional or psychological wound in your life. It is true for all that ails you. We wish you to know that it is what ails you that determines how well you may express your pure being. The Angels are given upon you to help you heal, to help you recover, and to help you attain the pure expression of your soul.

Pay close and careful attention to the places within yourself which you are able to turn over in the same manner that you turn over your car for repair. And bring no judgment to this process. Bring no judgment to whatever level of acceptance or refusal you find within yourself. There is no good or bad here. There is no grading of your place of awareness. There is no passing. There is no failing. There is only love and acceptance for you as you are.

In turning over your issue or your problem to the Angels, there are two parts here as well. First, you will be aware of which part is yours, which things you must do to accomplish your piece of this process. Second, everything else, and we wish to really stress everything else, both what you are aware of and what you are not aware of, you may give over to the Angels. Know that teams of them shall be engaged in repairing places within your physical body and helping with the cells that make healing, rebalancing, and a return to homeostasis, a return to well-being. Know that every place within you, both physically and beyond your physicality, will be attended to by teams of Angels specifically comprised for the very issues that need healing, very particular to you, very special to the exact circumstances of your being in the moment. Allowing these teams to do their work brings you healing beyond your imagination, for it is truly beyond you, and you do link into all of the healing and creative resources of the heavens, and of creation.

The power of this transformation is complete. It is total. It is without limit.

Christopher DiltsChristopher Dilts is an internationally recognized Angel Intuitive and Healer has been helping people learn to connect with their Angels. He has facilitated positive change for hundreds of people by helping them develop a deeply personal relationship with their Guiding Angels.

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